About Swartzy

Hi everybody! I’m Swartz Cocpa. Welcome to my new website  … or blog! (whatever you want to call it)

meI’m excited to start chronicling my life on the world wide web. If no one reads, that’s perfectly fine. I see this blog as an outlet to let off some steam writing and to share my thoughts with no one in particular.

I guess you could say the theme of this blog will be my adventure in fatherhood. Yes, I will soon be a dad. How scary is that! Mrs. Swartzy is expected to give birth to Swartzy Jr. in less than a month.

So come back often as I give you a play by play of our thoughts, fears and excitement as we prepare ourselves for the great adventure of being parents. We’re as ready as we’ll ever be … I think.

I’ll share with you stuff I would never tell anyone else. That’s your great reward for reading along.

Enought about me. Let’s get started.