Being a parent

baby with dad


Life got in the way of adding more great content to this blog. It’s been almost three years since I last wrote you. That means Swartzy Jr. will be 3 years old in about three weeks.

How time flies.

In fact, little Swartzina was born at the end of July and is doing great. So, yes, Mrs. Swartzy and I have two young together, and life has never been more stressful.

I can’t wait until their older and out of the house so I can have ONE minute of free time to do as I please. Raising children is a full-time job, to be sure.

Junior is a lot of fun. He is also a major pain in the ass at times.

Terrible 2s? Hell yes!

He doesn’t listen. He wants to do everything himself. He never wants to go to bed for his nap during the afternoon and for the longer sleep at night.

Although it’s usually a struggle at bedtime, he has shown sign of improvements. Last week, I told him stories I made up on the fly to keep him interested and laying down in bed. Worked like a charm.

I tried the same tactic just tonight. No dice.

I’m ready to pull my hair out.

For as much of a hassle young children are, they make me smile. They make me happy. I’m glad we have them. I feel fortunate we have them.

Sure, before kids our lives were filled with summer barbecues playing bean bag games in the backyard, staying up to all hours of the night drinking and carousing, and swearing and having sex whenever and wherever we pleased.

A lot of fun, indeed. But no where near the fulfillment the kiddos provide.

Young Swartzy was one of the Toy Story 4 characters for Halloween. This year was the first he went out to trick-or-treat, and he had a lot of fun. So did we. Swartzina was a little lamb by the way.

We’re looking forward to his birthday and another Christmas. We drove around town with Swartzy looking at holiday decorations and lights last year. I’ll image we’ll do the same this December.

Swartzy is still afraid of Santa Claus, but he is overjoyed when the fat bastard leaves him boatloads of toys and treats on Christmas morning. He might just get a stocking full of coal this year or a gift certificate for Gilbert stucco repair.

I doubt we’ll have a third Swartz baby. Two feels like a handful. The goods is it sure feels like the terrible 2s will be easier with Swarzina. She’s a good girl. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

Anyway, it’s great to be back here writing. Maybe I’ll give an update before the kids head off to college.

Maybe not.